It can be a tradeoff- one or the other. Do I have a glass of wine with dinner, a beer to relax after work, a drink at bedtime to speed up sleep onset? All very normal activities- and for some people there is no problem at all. But for a significant number of us, including myself, even one or two drinks causes restless sleep, awakenings during the second half of the night, … [Read more...]
Invocations and Prayers for Insomnia
As I am working intermittently on chapters for an e-book, I have realized that it may help two groups who have suffered insomnia. First are those who can learn and apply something I have learned and communicated; second are those who will activate a deep boredom and drift off. Today I offer these lines from Robert Burns (mis)quoted by W.B. Yeats: The white moon is setting … [Read more...]
The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise
Driving in early, a hint of eastern light, the lyrics and Les Paul's guitar loud in my head: "Dear one, the world is waiting for the sunrise..." We are creatures born to be intrigued by sunrise and sunset both, but aren't we less likely to wait for the sunset? Nevertheless, both waking and sleeping are active states, one preparing for the other. Both absolutely … [Read more...]
William Wordsworth Quote Invokes Thoughts on Sleep
I was re-reading a William Wordsworth sonnet and was struck by this couplet about the peacefulness of London at dawn in 1802. Dear God! the very houses seem asleep; And all that mighty heart is lying still! - William Wordsworth But in our 24-hour sleepless world I wonder what William Wordsworth would say today? … [Read more...]